Chemistry Lab

The Chemistry Laboratory conducts fundamental studies of highway materials to understand both failure mechanisms and superior performance. New standard test methods are developed to improve and facilitate the chemical analysis of highway materials and to characterize and quantify new or alternative sustainable materials.
Physics Lab

The Physics labs will present, you the students, with the opportunity to gain insight into some of the basic principles of physics. The lab exercises are setup to allow you to gather data, analyze the data using the principles of the assigned topic, to obtain quantified results, and then for you to evaluate the results to determine if the principles are sound.
Senior Computer Lab

Students, faculty and staff have access to the computer labs, which provide the tools and technologies to produce websites, edit papers, complete class assignments, communicate via email, conduct data analyses and access library resources. Microsoft Windows software is available for word processing, statistics, spreadsheets and database management. A variety of graphics and website-creation software programs are also available..